Remettre la description dans sa langue d'origine Anglais États-Unis Traduire The Most Popular Quran Application that introduce all Islamic religion text with high smart book and local search engine, over than The full text of the Qur'an provides memorization feature with two levels The 1st for Ayahat verses and 2nd for words with hearing the Ayahat verses to know the correct pronunciation of the Koran. Sometimes we find it difficult to search for a specific word Koran, Al-Quran free provides a local search in addition to instant access to the selected result. The full text of the Qur'an provides memorization feature with two levels The 1st for Ayahat verses and 2nd for words with hearing the verses to know the correct pronunciation of the Koran A reader of any Qur'an application religion Islamic text from aged and children faces the small font size in the Koran and the applications that depends on images without zoom options , Al-Quran free provides speed Increase font with 14 different degree without breach the words or close or crash the application.

Nom: moshaf moualim gratuitement
Format:Fichier D’archive
Licence:Usage personnel seulement (acheter plus tard!)
Système d’exploitation: iOS. Windows XP/7/10. MacOS. Android.
Taille:63.24 Megabytes
