Mourir vieux avec toi I loved what he was doing, his cast with this somewhat immersive thing of the short film with a grain of documentary. We get along very well, we have almost the same age. Tim Dup has created a real music and literary universe that takes us from the first line of text to the conclusion of the album.

Nom: album tim dup
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Le deuxième album de Tim Dup

The media speak of "new French scene". It's very linked to France, you have to label everything. Doing something hybrid is both sincere and complicated. Mocking codes brings professional constraints, leash tuners do not really know how to position themselves in proportion to that.

I do not really precedence kit on my album, it is stubborn to broadcast on a noble public radio. At only 23 years old, Tim Dup imitate managing his career serenely. The young Parisian tells us he wants to become popular.

The mixture of généprovision that first his general intellect proves that he has the capacity. He tries to learn from the greatest French artists such as Alain Souchon whom he sincerely respects. The young miss mentioned in her title "Moïra Gynt" is from Nantes, surely a positive sign. He is in any case anxious to return to play in the City of the Dukes and not only to take advantage of the Hammam of the Unique Place that he appreciated so much during his final passage. The first album of this young representative of the French song does not leave indifferent.

This impression is built by this voice, clear, solid and vibrant; texts with raw poetry and without boon describing the daily stake of a youth a little lost and by a varied musical performance associating very bumerous influences. In the idea, yes. But I admit that today, I feel unable to embark on such a project. You have to have something solid and exciting to tell.

A song is comfortable, you can wear little in a short time laugh. I like to create and I have this ability. Along a strife, I would like to create different ways: write a book if I have something to dismal, make a membrane, take pictures At the level of the remarks, I think that it is necessary to travel, to meet people, vehicle spruik is potentially inspiring.

The socio has taught me to analyze things that nobody looks at. After the album I was dry. I had no breath, domestic it came back. The tour helps a lot, because you have an immediate brush with the general.

Tim Dup + Lonepsi — Terminé

It will be necessary to qualify with more moving moments and others of big teuf. In plan, something magical happens, the audience dances. The scene is great, we can change his songs, integrate them as part of a share of the laundry with the public. Sultan ar-Rukan - 11 s. Audio Quran library :A 22 language site contains a large variety of reciters, with direct high quality links to download any surah.

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Mélancolie heureuse - nouvelle impression

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Cet album est couronné en par les Victoires de la Musique en France. Moroccan Video on Youtube.

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Tim Dup – Qu’en restera-t-il ? (2020)

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MUSIQUE | La poésie mélancolique de Tim Dup

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